Mike Carroll

Mike Carroll

Councilmember for the City of Irvine, California

About Mike Carroll

Mike Carroll is a City Council Member in Irvine, California, having been the beneficiary of a bi-partisan appointment in 2019. He was then elected to a four-year term in 2020 with the second highest number of votes in the municipality’s history.

Prior to that, Mike served as Chairman of the Community Services Commission and Vice Chair of the Planning Commission. Mike is also the founding Chairman of the Orange County Power Authority, a public utility that offers clean, renewable electric power to more than 825,000 Orange County residents and small businesses.

News Features

Getting to Know You: Michael Carroll, Council Member for the City of Irvine, California

Michael Carroll was born and raised in New York. After graduating from high school, Michael enrolled in American University in Washington, D.C. Following his undergraduate degree, he attended law school at St. John’s University in New York City.